1061: Public Safety Telecommunications Personnel Professional Qualifications


Advance public safety with qualified telecommunications personnel and clear lines of duty using the latest JPRs in NFPA 1061.

Telecommunications continues to evolve, as technology and electronics are tested and new “norms” come into practice. NFPA 1061: Standard for Public Safety Telecommunications Personnel Professional Qualifications defines the minimum job performance qualifications of persons in specific position within the communications field, such as public safety telecommunicator, communications training officer, communications supervisor, quality assurance/improvement personnel, communications training coordinator, communications center manager, and incident/tactical dispatcher.

The 2018 edition of NFPA 1061 is reformatted to align with other codes and standards.

Changes include:

  • Updated extracts and definitions
  • Revised JPRs
  • Updated references

This consistent approach saves administrative costs and refines the lines of duties and responsibilities.

Keep telecommunications personnel current with the latest equipment and industry practices to meet today’s job challenges.

- Clear selection
Item #: 1061