Introduction to Emergency Management in Canada


Introduction to Emergency Management in Canada is the first resource of its kind to offer an overview of best practices in emergency management specific to the Canadian landscape. This essential guide takes readers through the pillars of emergency management—prevention, mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery—while covering a range of important topics for both students and professionals, including risks and hazards, crowd management, communication, business continuity, resilience, and incident command systems.

Case studies, exercises, “In the News” boxes, “Boots on the Ground” scenarios, and considerations around the Indigenization of practice contextualize real-world Canadian emergencies that readers will encounter in their careers, such as natural disasters, pandemics, bomb threats and terrorist activities, CBRNE, amber alerts, and more.

By presenting emergency management through an applied lens, this resource will not only give readers a solid understanding of emergency management, but it will also prepare them for some of the practical realities of managing emergencies in Canada.

Introduction to Emergency Management in Canada is a textbook that will become a fundamental part of every emergency manager’s bookshelf. A must-have book for students and practitioners alike.”   —Todd De Voe, IAEM Region 9 President


Item #: 1772556780

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