Working With Giants

Original price was: $99.50.Current price is: $65.00.

John Norman, author of the best-selling Fire Officer’s Handbook of Tactics and Fire Department Special Operations, brings his own remarkable story to life in this new highly anticipated memoir.

But this is a story about all firefighters—the men and women who are absolutely the salt of the earth, whose sole mission is to protect the lives and property of their neighbors.

This book celebrates the lives of firefighters—a truly special group of people—and reintroduces them to the American public.

What is a hero?
A hero is a role model. To be a hero means protecting others at great personal risk because it’s the right thing to do. “Since September 11, 2001,” Norman writes, “people have been speaking about firefighters as ‘America’s Heroes.’ I truly believe they are heroes in the classical sense of the word.”

Renowned for combining compelling storytelling with industry-standard tactical training, Norman offers an unparalleled look into the modern history of America’s fire service from a front-row seat. This is a celebration of the best in public service, its sacrifices and triumphs, and the people who were there, who will insist with uncommon humility, “I was just doing my job.”

2021/Approx 493 pages/6×9/Softcover
Chief Norman is donating a portion of the royalties from this book to the Tunnel to Towers Foundation. To make a donation, visit Tunnel to Towers.



Item #: 1593704346

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